⚔️🦉Gnosis Chain Weekly · 30 January 2024

The Dencun upgrade is on the brink of activation for Chiado!

Gnosis Chain’s Chiado testnet will hard fork on 31 January 2024 at 18:15:40 UTC, Slot: 8265728 Epoch: 516608

As we gear up for Gnosis Chain Mainnet, we've curated the best resources for you to effortlessly track all the latest developments:

Gnosis Validator Newsletter: https://gnosisvalidator.substack.com

Detailed Forum Thread: https://forum.gnosis.io/t/chiados-dencun-hardfork-thread/8000/3…

Join the conversation: Gnosis Chain Discord #validator channel: https://discord.gg/gnosischain

Stay informed: Core Devs Meeting Notes and Records: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaSjKDzazNThdK-eDZWd16q8tUZy6WSr7…

Gnosis Chain Dencun Hard fork Resources

🔊🦉Wen Cards?

Gnosis Pay Cards are here! Mark your calendars ~ February 5th, 2024. Gnosis Pay’s first product is Gnosis Card: A self-custodial Visa debit card enabling you to spend your digital assets in the traditional economy using the Gnosis Pay Network. Gnosis Pay is the first Decentralized Payment Network (DPN), removing the barriers between traditional finance and decentralized finance (DeFi).


🤖 Vitalik on Crypto + AI

Vitalik Buterin published a blog post on the promises and challenges of crypto + AI applications this week. He gives a shoutout to Gnosis co-founder Martin Köppelmann and the Omen protocol, originally built on the Gnosis conditional token framework. Omen is an information market platform. Users can create and/or participate in information markets on various topics (crypto, politics, sports, etc.) and risk their crypto on possible outcomes. 2023 marked a return to prediction markets for Gnosis with the Prediction Agent Hackathon co-hosted with Autonolas, an open-source software stack enabling you to run your operations as a unified, decentralized off-chain system.

The promise and challenges of crypto + AI applications

📃 karpatkey's 2023 GnosisDAO Year in Review

karpatkey's 2023 Year in Review for the GnosisDAO is hot off the press. The report summarizes katpatkey’s activities and achievements in 2023, which shifted from maximizing returns for the treasury to enhancing the Gnosis Chain DeFi ecosystem. karpatkey focused on transferring the GnosisDAO treasury to Gnosis Chain to build a thriving ecosystem. The Gnosis Chain Total Value Locked (TVL) surged from $56M to $229M as a result of several key integrations and launches, most notably Maker's Spark Protocol and the launch of sDAI.

🎱 PowerPool's Auto-Claiming Staking Rewards

PowerPool is a decentralized network for guaranteed automatic, gasless, transaction execution and off-chain computations for Defi/Web3 apps and individuals. PowerPool gives Gnosis Chain validators the ability to auto-claim staking rewards. Check it out!

🕵️‍♀️ ShutterDAO's 0x36 Deployment

Shutter Network is a project to prevent front-running and malicious MEV on Ethereum by using threshold encryption. Shutter DAO 0x36 is a live instantiation of the Shutter DAO model. Running a Gnosis Chain validator? Claim & engage in the governance of Shutter, one of the most important privacy-preserving projects in web3. The Shutter DAO 0x36 deployment also recognizes some of the top users of the Gnosis Chain, acknowledging their significant engagement on the platform. Also, the majority of Gnosis Chain Validators are included.

🌲Dark Forest Arena Speedrun: Epoch 3

Dark Forest Arena is the world's first decentralized real-time strategy game. It was inspired by and named after the famous sci-fi novel written by Liu Cixin. Dark Forest is one of the first and only games built entirely on-chain, specifically on the Gnosis Chain. Dark Forest Arena Speedrun: Epoch 3 is here. Play today on Gnosis Chain!

🔗 Moralis x Gnosis Chain

Moralis is a leading crypto data provider that helps companies build great user experiences, drive engagement, growth and revenue in their applications. The team published a deep dive on Gnosis this week. Check out the video below.

🚀 Azuro's Revenue Moons on Gnosis

Azuro is an infrastructure concentrating liquidity for decentralized betting on Gnosis Chain. Azuro's Gnosis Chain liquidity pool recently saw a spike in volume - could it be the NFL playoffs?

🖥️ Polkamarkets V3 on Gnosis Chain

Polkamarkets is an Autonomous Prediction Market Protocol built for multi-chain information exchange and trading, where users take positions on outcomes of real-world events in a decentralized and interoperable platform on an EVM-based Protocol that can be used on any EVM.

Polkamarkets Labs is thrilled to announce an unprecedented collaboration with Observador, a leading media organization in Portugal.

This partnership marks an exciting milestone as Observador pioneers the integration of prediction markets into the Portuguese political and media landscape, setting the stage for an immersive and rewarding experience for politics enthusiasts and all citizens across the country. Previsómetro Observador runs on Polkamarkets Protocol V3 on Gnosis Chain to ensure a good user experience and data resiliency. Gnosis Chain is generously sponsoring the gasless transactions for this project.

🌾 Swapr Liquidity on Gnosis Chain

DXdao was started by Gnosis and DAOstack back in 2019 as a radical experiment in decentralization. Swapr is a multi-chain AMM with a suite of unique features including LP governance, DIY farming, and much more. Swapr is the first automated market maker (AMM) to allow for adjustable swap fees through governance and has been organically developed within the DXdao community. Check out Swapr v3 on Gnosis Chain!

🌉 Gnosis Chain Bridge Explorer

The latest update for Gnosis Chain's Bridge Explorer, developed by the Bootnode team, is live! The update features new bridge limits, a new 'latest transactions' tab, and a refined landing page.

🤖 Gnosis AI

David Enim from the Autonolas team was featured on the Epicenter Podcast this week. Tune in to learn about agentic AI systems running on Gnosis Chain.

🏞️🥾🌲OriginTrail 6.2.0

The OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph combines knowledge graph and blockchain technologies to enable a universe of AI-ready Knowledge Assets, allowing anyone to take part in trusted knowledge sharing. Their latest update features delegated staking on Gnosis Chain. Check out the thread below to learn more.

🧑🏾‍💻⛓️Events & Hackathons

🦉DappCon 2024

Sponsorship applications are now open for DappCon 2024, a global developer conference for Ethereum Dapps and Infrastructure, organized by the GnosisDAO. If you're a company building in web3 or the decentralized technology space, sponsoring DappCon 2024 is a great way to access a value-aligned audience.

🙏 Thank you

Come say, hello in the Gnosis Chain Discord! We are currently updating the GnosisDAO Community Call format. Stay tuned to learn more. We're excited to roll out a fresh new community call for 2024!

See you onchain!