⚔️🦉Gnosis Chain Weekly · 23 January 2024

Gnosis Chain maintains a 1:1 parity with Ethereum due to it's Beacon Chain architecture and dedication to extending the capacity of Mainnet. Gnosis Chain employs the same execution and consensus layer clients as Ethereum, ensuring seamless integration with all future EIPs.

Gnosis Chain core devs continuously push upgrades from the Ethereum Mainnet onto Gnosis Chain. The most immediate is the Dencun upgrade, which will be synchronised with the Ethereum roadmap. As the first initial step towards completing the upgrade, Gnosis Chain's Chiado testnet will hard fork on 31 January 2024 at 18:15:40 UTC, Slot: 8265728 Epoch: 516608

If you're a validator on Chiado, the upgrade requires some steps to prepare your nodes. We’ll release client versions in the coming days, and you also need approximately 35GB of additional storage for blobs.


🔊 Attention Node Runners & Validators!

A critical issue was identified in the Nethermind update v1.23.0. This hotfix addresses the consensus issue in Nethermind that was introduced in v1.23.0. This release is mandatory for all Nethermind node runners.

No resync required. Consensus client restart is required, not need to resync your consensus client. Version 1.22 and below wasn't affected.

Full postmortem will be prepared by the Nethermind team.

🦁🦉House of Chimera x Gnosis

House of Chimera delivers comprehensive research papers and advisory services, while simplifying crucial financial concepts. This week the group reviewed Gnosis. Check out their informative twitter thread below!

👁️ SolidityScan x Gnosis Chain

SolidityScan is an advanced smart contract scanning tool designed to uncover vulnerabilities and proactively address risks within your code. SolidityScan is providing a range of customised blockchain security solutions for Gnosis Chain, guaranteeing a strengthened foundation for Gnosis and its related projects. 

💱 LI.FI's Jumper Exchange Cross-Chain Swaps on Gnosis

The complexity of moving and sourcing assets across a vast amount of blockchain ecosystems is simplified down to one API with LI.FI. LI.FI’s middleware offers DEXs, DEX aggregators, cross-chain bridges, all necessary data sources, and smart order routing. LI.FI's Jumper Exchange is live on Gnosis Chain!

🤝🏽 Swapr x Gnosis Chain

Swapr is a governance-enabled multi-chain AMM with custom liquidity mining rewards creation and best-price trading features created by DXdao. DXdao is a collective that builds and governs decentralized products and services. DXdao is also a Gnosis OG 😎. Provide liquidity with Swapr in their new Pools v3 live on Gnosis Chain!

📐 Angle Protocol x Swapr x Gnosis Chain

Angle is a decentralized protocol developing leading stablecoin systems. Angle and Swapr teamed up to deliver the WETH-XDAI with rewards coming from Angel's Merkl solution. What is Merkl? Merkl is an incentive mechanism for concentrated liquidity. It relies on a novel approach where liquidity providers are rewarded based on the usage of their liquidity. It doesn't introduce any additional risk as funds stay on the AMMs. Rewards are distributed according to a formula customizable by the entity incentivizing the pool.

⚛️ Particle Network's Smart Wallet on Gnosis Chain

Particle Network officially launched its v1 product at the end of last October, a Wallet-as-a-Service (WaaS) product based on MPC-TSS (Multi-Party Computation — Threshold Signature Scheme). Particle introduced compatibility with Gnosis to their Smart Wallet-as-a-Service (WaaS) modular stack this week! 

Thanks to this integration, developers building dApps on Gnosis will be able to leverage Particle Network's Smart Wallet-as-a-Service for full-stack account abstraction, strengthened by MPC-TSS social logins. Particle Network's AA SDK simplifies the ERC-4337 AA integration workflow, from the creation of smart accounts to the construction of UserOperations. 

️️️️️️️*️⃣ Sighash x Gnosis Chain

Brume is a private Ethereum wallet with built-in Tor features. This week the team introduced Sighash on Gnosis Chain — the decentralized version of the 4Bytes database (function hash to signature). Stored on Gnosis Chain and indexed by the Graph Protocol. What is 4Byte? The 4byte database contains function signatures and mappings for event signatures, all offered free of license for search or scrapping. Developers can map bytes signatures results from searches back to their human-readable sources and versions. There are currently +961,841 (and counting) signatures in the database.

📁 Fileverse x Gnosis Chain

Explore the Fileverse suite of collaboration tools directly via the Safe UI, all deployed on Gnosis Chain for a gasless, signless and blazing fast user experience!

Fileverse was also featured on the latest episode of the Epicenter Podcast!

🕵🏾‍♀️ HOPR Network Stats

HOPR is an open incentivized mixnet which enables privacy-preserving point-to-point data exchange. HOPR is similar to Tor but actually private, decentralized and economically sustainable. HOPR utilizes the Gnosis Chain, of course. 😄 Check out their impressive stats!

🌉 GHO Cross-Chain Facilitator

Hashi released a fully customizable framework for building cross-chain GHO facilitators. Hashi, incubated by Gnosis, is an EVM Hash Oracle Aggregator, designed to facilitate a principled approach to cross-chain bridge security. Check out the thread below to learn more about the GHO cross-chain facilitator!

🤖 Gnosis AI

🦾 Autonolas x Gnosis Chain

Autonolas (Olas) seeks to maximize machine autonomy to benefit human autonomy. The team believes that autonomous services – services that require little to no input from humans by design – are best used in the service of humans. When operated using transparent software by groups, with open participation, the extreme reliability of autonomous services benefits humans the most. The protocol is live on Gnosis Chain. Olas has earned over $1 million in fees from Protocol-owned Liquidity on Ethereum and Gnosis Chain!

🏗️ Origin Trail's DKG on Gnosis Chain

Origin Trail's Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG) testnet is set to go live on Gnosis Chain this week, along with the $TRAC delegation module supported by the new Origin Trail Explorer!

Up until now, there were two ways you can utilize your TRAC in the network - either by creating Knowledge Assets (for publishing fees), or by running a node hosting the DKG (which receive publishing fees).

Delegated Staking will be the third, and likely the easiest way. Once live, it will enable delegating your TRAC tokens to DKG nodes, putting your TRAC to work, without having to run a DKG node. With staking you contribute to the security of the network, increase decentralization and help in increasing the particular node chances of receiving publishing fees.

🧑🏾‍💻 Gnosis Chain Core Devs Call

The weekly Core Devs Call took place this week ~ the recording of the call is linked below!

🧑🏾‍💻⛓️Events & Hackathons

🏁🦉Gnosis Chain Hackathon w Joke Race

Joke Race is the best way for communities to make, execute, and reward decisions. Hack on a new tool or application on Gnosis Chain. This is your chance to become a Gnosis OG and join our storied history!

The hackathon runs for 4 weeks (08/01/2024 - 05/02/2024)

1st Place: 2 GNO
2nd Place: 1 GNO
3rd Place: 0.5 GNO

Anyone can submit a project via jokerace.xyz!

🫱🏾‍🫲🏽 Gnosis Ethereum Meetup in Lisbon

The Gnosis Etheruem Meetup in Lisbon is back for 2024! If you're in Lisbon, join us on Thursday January 25th 2024! More info below.

🌎 Gnosis Chain LATAM Community

Last week, the LATAM community on Gnosis Chain hosted a gathering on our Discord. Watch out for more Spanish speaking events in the near future!

🙏 Thank you

Come say, hello in the Gnosis Chain Discord! Join us for the next GnosisDAO Community Call on Thursday February 8th at 4PM UTC / 5PM CET on the GnosisDAO Twitter Spaces.

See you onchain!