⚔️ 🦉 Gnosis Chain Weekly · 21 November 2023

Devconnect popped off last week with over 6,000 attendees and Gnosis team members giving talks across various panels and side events. The highlight of the week was the Decentralised Scaling Summit on Thursday, November 16, 2023 hosted by Gnosis. If you were at any of the side events, L2DaysThe Staking Summit or the Nethermind Summit, then you most likely ran into a Gnosis team member. ETHGlobal Istanbul rounded out the week with over $500,000 USD in hackathon prizes at the prestige ICC (Istanbul Congress Center) taking place over the course of just 36 hours! Full details on the talks and side events below!

Martin Koppelmann, Gnosis Co-Founder, published a tweet in the middle of the week, amidst the bustle of Devconnect, highlighting why Gnosis Chain is picking up speed after two years of hard work. Check out his thread to learn why the Gnosis Chain TVL is ticking up week after week. If you were at the conferences last week and caught a talk or listened to a panel with Gnosis, there's no doubt that you found out what the buzz is all about.

GnosisDAO contributor, 0xarmagan, posted a great summary of the week in Istanbul.

The Hashi Alliance lead a workshop at the Nethermind Summit about cross-chain dapps. Hashi is an EVM Hash Oracle Aggregator, designed to facilitate a principled approach to cross-chain bridge security.

The Hashi team ran another workshop at ETHGlobal ~

AnotherJannik from Project Shutter talked about the Shutterized Gnosis Chain at the Nethermind Summit. Shutter Network is a project to prevent front-running and malicious MEV on Ethereum and Gnosis Chain by using threshold encryption. The Shutterized Gnosis Chain allows users to optionally encrypt transactions and includes them into the chain before the content is visible to anyone. It greatly improves censorship resistance and reduces malicious MEV.

EthGlobal Hackathon was a huge success!

The Decentralisation Scaling Summit hosted by Gnosis was a packed house! With presentations from teams building on Gnosis Chain and participants from across the Gnosis ecosystem. Check out the highlights below!

🦉 Updates

🦉 💳 Gnosis Pay

Want to pay your rent with your digital assets? Buy a coffee? That's exactly what Gnosis Pay is for. Gnosis Pay is the first Decentralized Payment Network (DPN), removing the barriers between traditional finance and decentralized finance (DeFi).

How about paying for that coffee with your NFT?!

🚀 Kinetex Network x Gnosis Chain

Kinetex, a trailblazing decentralized platform that enables highly efficient cross-chain trading, announced the successful close of its strategic funding round. Taking the lead are Factor and Gnosis Chain, a community-led EVM Layer-1 blockchain. This partnership empowers Kinetex to refine its groundbreaking trading approach to transferring liquidity between networks that eliminates the need to store assets in pools and leverages zero-knowledge (ZK) technology to achieve validation without relying on third parties.

🕵🏾 Bermuda Bay x Gnosis Chain

Bermuda Bay is a decentralized protocol for shielded transactions on Gnosis Chain. They went went live this week - check them out!

💹 Contango x Gnosis Chain

Contango is a unique decentralized market offering cPerps (Contango perps), which launched on Gnosis Chain this week.

📇 SpaceID x GNO Domains

SPACE ID is building a hub for you to discover, register, trade, & manage .eth, .bnb, & .arb web3 domains in one stop. Genome provides .GNO domains for your web3 identity. They partnered up this week for a community call to talk about all things digital identities.

🪐 Odysea x Gnosis Chain

Odysea allows users to deploy capital strategically across protocols and vault enabled strategies on Gnosis Chain.

📐 Angle Protocol x agEUR on Gnosis Chain

With the Angle Protocol live on Gnosis Chain users can on and off board Euros directly with Monerium, trigger SEPA transfers with great liquidity against stables and earn interest on Angle's agEUR with full integration into a VISA card by leveraging the Gnosis Card. The Angel Protocol is a capital-efficient, decentralized, over-collateralized stablecoin protocol behind agEUR.

🌐 Stereum Gnosis Chain Nodes

Stereum is a flexible, easy & free GUI node setup tool for solo staking & more. With the Stereum 2.0.0 release users can set up Gnosis Chain nodes with a few clicks!

🌴 Kokonut Network x Gnosis Chain

Put the lime in the kokonut and shake it all up! The KokonutDAO is live on Gnosis Chain. Kokonut is a blockchain-based cooperative powered by coconut trees and people.

⚖️ Kleros Curation Court x Gnosis Chain

Kleros is a decentralized arbitration protocol for disputes in the web3 economy. Kleros is live on Gnosis Chain with over 20+ new cases

🧑🏾‍💻⛓️Events & Hackathons

🏆 NFT Infra Prize

The Bocha.io team won the NFT Infra Prize for Gnosis Chain at the ETHGlobal Istanbul hackathon last week. Bocha builds onchain games for web3.

🤖 Prediction Agent Hackathon

The Predicion Agent Hackathon with Autonolas on Gnosis Chain awarded thousands of dollars worth of xDai earlier this year. Fret not if you missed the hackathon - there's plenty of opportunities to hack on the Autonolas stack on Gnosis Chain!

🙏 Thank you

Come say hello in the Gnosis Chain Discord. Join us for the next GnosisDAO Community Call on Thursday December 14th , 2023 at 3PM UTC / 5PM CET on the GnosisDAO Twitter Spaces.

See you onchain!