⚔️ 🦉 Gnosis Chain Weekly · 08 September 2023

DappCon Has Arrived

Once a year, Gnosis brings together the brightest minds in web3 for 3 days of talks, workshops and networking on the Spree River in Berlin, Germany. DappCon continues the rich history between Ethereum and Berlin. In 2014, the first Ethereum conference called DEVCON 0 was hosted by Ethereum founders. It was held in Kreuzberg, Berlin, from November 24-November 28. If you're passionate about the future of the internet and where its headed, DappCon is a premiere venue to hash it out.

As noted in the newsletter lately, the week is packed with tons of additional events during Berlin Blockchain Week that coincides with DappCon. Safe{Con} kicks things off on Sunday, the inaugural builder conference aimed to accelerate the transition to smart accounts. See you out there!

🦉 Updates

🐄 CowSwap's TWAP Feature

CowSwap released its new TWAP feature. TWAP orders are a strategy of executing trades evenly over a specified time period. The feature is live on Gnosis Chain so head over to CowSwap to give it a try along with the chance to win free swaps with their on-going raffle!

🌙 Umbra x Gnosis Chain

Umbra powers privacy preserving stealth payments on Ethereum and Gnosis Chain! Umbra proposes a system that relies completely on elliptic curve cryptography, employing multiple private-public key pairs to achieve stealth payments.

🎙️Get To Gnosis

The Diva Staking team joined the Get To Gnosis podcast this week, hosted by the Gnosis Builders. Diva Staking is Ethereum's first Liquid Staking solution powered by Distributed Validators (DVT).

🦉Weekly Validator Update

Check out this week's validator update. Active validators are closing in on 150K!

🧑🏾‍💻 Gnosis Chain Core Devs Call

The weekly Core Devs Call took place this week  ~ the recording is linked below!

🤖 Gnosis AI

Join the cutting edge with Gnosis Chain, Valory, Olas + Kleros for a coding challenge with prizes ranging from $500 to $3K USD.

Prediction markets provide a perfect environment in which to deploy autonomous software agents, leveraging AI tools like LLMs. Gnosis Chain is perfectly suited to hosting decentralized autonomous agents, due to its fast and cheap transactions and presence of an established prediction market: Omen.

The Autonolas stack allows developers to quickly iterate on existing agent templates, pushing the boundary of the possible. Developers are tasked with having their agents participate in real long-tail prediction markets.

🧑🏾‍💻🥷⛓️Events & Hackathons

🧪 DeSci.Berlin

DeSci.Berlin’s goal is to deepen attendees’ understanding of decentralized science, and specifically, of biotech DAOs (BioDAOs). Gnosis co-founder, Friederike Ernst, is talking on two panels today, 8th of September, at 2:25PM CET and 4:04PM CET 08/09/2023.

🦉 DappCon 2023

DappCon is right around the corner from 11-13 September 2023 at Radialsystem, Berlin. Hosted by Gnosis since 2018, DappCon is a fantastic opportunity for developers and blockchain professionals to come together, network, and stay up to date on the latest trends in the ecosystem. Berlin has a reputation as one of the core sites of innovation in the Etherverse — and DappCon is here to celebrate this legacy and carry it forward.

🔐 Safe{Con} 2023

Safe just announced their first ever Safe{Con} in Berlin to coincide with DappCon! Safe{Con} is the inaugural builder conference aimed to accelerate the transition to smart accounts. Safe{Con} is the first conference 100% dedicated to smart accounts! Register below!

🇹🇷 Gnosis Chain Validator Workshop - Turkey

The YTU Blockchain Community and the Gnosis Builders are teaming up to host a validator workshop in Turkey on Monday, September 18th, 2023 at 7PM UTC+3. Register below!

🤌 ETHRome x Gnosis Chain

Gnosis Chain is headed to ETHRome 6-8 October, 2023. The conference is focused on governance and privacy-preserving tech in web3.

🇵🇹 ETHLisbon x Gnosis Chain

Gnosis Chain is also headed to ETHLisbon on the 3rd to the 5th of November, 2023. ETHLisbon is a community-led hackathon focused on the Ethereum community.

🌉 Gnosis Ethereum Meetup Lisbon

Join us for the 8th Gnosis Ethereum Meetup in Lisbon on Thursday the 27th of September, 2023. The meetup is a great chance to network with the web3 community in Lisbon. Sign-up below!

🐮 Ecosystem Wednesday with CowSwap

Join us on Ecosystem Wednesday with CowSwap on the Gnosis Chain Discord on the 13th of September, 2023 at 3PM UTC. The team will run a demo about the new TWAP feature running on Gnosis Chain!

⛓️‍ Living On-Chain with API3

API3 recently joined the Gnosis Chain community to showcase how their dAPI's work. Check out the record below! API3’s dAPIs are aggregated from first-party oracles directly on the native chain. This means that you always know where your data comes from and never have to rely on cross-chain bridges as a centralized point of failure for your dApp.

🗼Eiffel in Crypto Panel

In the middle of EthCC in Paris, the Safe team hosted, Eiffel in Crypto to a packed house. Check out the recording of the first panel that kicked off the event, featuring Gnosis co-founder, Friederike Ernst.

🙏 Thank you

Come say hello in the Gnosis Chain Discord. Join us for the next GnosisDAO Community Call on Thursday October 12th, 2023 at 3PM UTC / 5PM CET on the GnosisDAO Twitter Spaces.

See you onchain!